[DISCUSSION] How Do You Deal With Book Blogger Envy?

File_004 (7)It’s Discussion Time!

And, of course, I decided to pick a bookish topic that’s near and dear to my heart (but really shouldn’t be) – book blogger envy and how we all deal with it.

I’m sure at one point or another, we all have been jealous of someone else’s book blog or book Twitter account or their bookstagram account or just them as a human being because they just seem to have it all. Said blogger gets all the comments, has all bloggers you admire following them, has a large following on literally all their social media accounts, has the perfect charm and blogger voice, gets to attend all the cool blogging events, is friends with all the authors, and gets the best ARCs. And even though you’re extremely happy for said blogger or you admire said blogger or said blogger is the one that inspires you in the first place, you still can’t help finding yourself extremely envious of all that they have.

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I probably experience this, like, three times a day? Maybe four?

But, seriously, I envy and admire so many awesome bloggers, some who pushed and inspired me to start my own little blog in the first place. And it’s not even a vicious sort of jealousy where I don’t think they deserve the things said blogger has, because they definitely do. It’s the sort of jealousy that sometimes makes me feel a little bad about myself. Even if I’m proud of my posts and I get a lot of likes and comments and I get a crazy good amount of page views sometimes or I see all the strides I’ve made, and I haven’t even reached six months yet, I can still get down on myself sometimes, because I’m just not like them. I don’t get those coveted ARCs that I would absolutely die for, a post I was excited about doesn’t do too well, or it just feels like everything is moving so slowly regarding the entire blogging process, even if I work super hard to make it there.

I think the most frustrating jealousy I have is towards people who just get into it so quickly. You know, those people who start around the same time you do, or in a lesser time, and manage to be more successful in terms of posts and stats and followers – and this goes for more bookstagram and blogging, because nothing can be more frustrating then feeling like you’re moving forward, but then seeing someone get to 100 Instagram followers within a matter of weeks while you’re still stuck on 82, and it’s been months, or if some other blogger that started only a month ago already has over 100+ followers and a consistent following, and you’re barely getting views at all, and you’ve been around for four months. I think that’s the most trying, because at least with big bloggers, you can just rub it off by saying they’ve been around for years, so of course they’re doing better, but with someone that’s been doing the same thing around the same time as you, but still being more successful is what hurts the most.

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Honestly, I won’t pretend like I have a solution to this.

I’m approaching my six month blogiversary, and I still can’t really figure out how to stop being jealous of other bloggers, or even how to quell my own jealousy, but that’s never stopped me from giving tips anyway, has it?

(The answer’s no.)

1. Observe what they do. I mean, even if we love that person’s blog, really, when we admire someone, we’re also sort of learning from them, in a way. I’m not going to say to start copying their blogger voice or all the blog posts/general ideas, because that sort of borders on plagiarism, but there’s definitely nothing wrong with seeing how they interact with other people or where they draw their inspiration from or what they’re doing that attracts readers and a huge following. Because, clearly, they’re dong something right. I do it all the time, which is my blog is not a catastrophic mess right now. #Facts

2. Remember that said blogger probably had to work hard, and so will you. When I envy big bloggers for what they have, I have to step back and realize that they didn’t reach their achievements from absolutely nowhere. That person probably worked hard, probably for years, to get where they are today. It always reassures me to know that maybe if I work as hard as they did, that maybe I can be at their level someday.

3. Be proud of your own achievements. Look at your own stats. Look at the blogger friends you’ve made. Look at your comments and followers across the board. Look at all the mini achievements you’ve reached. Be proud of that. You did that. You reached those rewards. You work hard. Even if some days or months or weeks just might not be yours regarding stats or follower counts or whatever, just remember that if you’re proud of what you’ve done, really, that’s what should matter the most.

4. Work hard. Let that jealousy you have push you to strive for greatness. Help it to improve your blog posts or maybe push you to brainstorm some better ones. I know that when I had lacking content back in January where all I did was tags and reviews, I looked to all my favorite blogs for inspiration and brainstormed a large majority of the ideas I have now. Those posts I made are what pushed me to churn out content that people actually enjoyed reading, and I enjoyed writing. Seeing all these gorgeous photos on bookstagram is what pushed me to re-start my own account and what finally got me to get creative and think up my own photo ideas  (and then eventually move on to include bookish photography)!

5. Know that everyone feels this way. I mean, I’m not going to claim I know for sure, but I truly believe that even big bloggers are jealous of some other bloggers. And just know that there’s probably someone out there that’s as jealous of your book blog just like you might be jealous of someone else’s. So don’t feel bad for ever feeling jealous, because I honestly think that we all suffer from it, and we all will no matter what.

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And, yes, jealousy will still prevail.

I know it does for me, and I like to think of myself as lucky, because all the things I have now regarding blogging, I definitely didn’t think I’d get in a year, nevertheless in five months. I’m incredibly thankful for what I have, and I’d like to take a moment to thank all of you who follow me or read my posts or comment on them. It means the world to me; it really does. But, hopefully, we can all get a little bit better at it.

Let's Chat

How do you deal with book blogger envy? And what are some of your favorite blogs that inspire you or you draw brainstorm from?

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72 thoughts on “[DISCUSSION] How Do You Deal With Book Blogger Envy?

  1. Interesting post, luckily I don’t think it’s something that affects me too much, except the arcs, when there’s a book I’m desperate to read and I see several of my blogging friends have received copies, I’m like “o why didn’t I get one 😭” but I’m getting better at it and I’m grateful for the ones I do receive. I have no problem buying books so I just make a note of the release date and buy it then, although I feel like I’m not in the secret club of those that have read it already 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, yeah, I feel that! Especially when it’s my most anticipated release and it feels like everyone got it but me! And, same; I like to think I’m doing better at it! And yeah; I feel the same way! 😂

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  2. Especially in the beginning of my blogging (look at me pretending to be all experienced :P), I was so envious of all those bloggers that seemed to do so well so quick. Like, for me it took months to get some following and I think in my first month I had like 5 followers in total?? I think it’s a matter of being comfortable with your own blogging and making your blog your own. Great discussion Mikaela! (as always 🙂 )

    Liked by 2 people

    • Wait, I take that back. I just checked and I had literally only 4 page views in the first month (how pathetic haha) (I didn’t even do comments) (I just posted and that was it) (poor me)


    • Haha, I was lucky my first month. I ended up being pretty successful pretty fast, and I don’t even know why??? Luck, I guess? And that’s definitely true; as long as you’re happy with your blog, who cares how other people think! Thank you, Lia! ❤

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      • Yeah I guess some people just are lucky, but I guess the moral of the story is that you shouldn’t give up, even if it’s difficult in the beginning 🙂

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  3. I think this is such an important post. I definitely feel a tinge of blogger jealousy more than I like to admit and I think the most important thing, as you mention, is to use it as motivation to work hard and be proud of your own accomplishments. All blogs grow at their own pace– and there are many different ways to measure growth besides pure statistics. Awesome post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s definitely true! I always feel like when I’m envious, I always do better to improve my blog? Who knows why? 😂 And that’s such a good point! We all grow at our own pace, so maybe our time just isn’t there yet! Thank you! ❤

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  4. This post is very honest. We love it! ❤❤ We just recently started blogging (for about a month and a few days) and we saw how awesome this community is! There are soo many awesome bloggers out there that we probably only saw just a fraction! To be honest we just started this blog to release all our FEELS about bookish stuff as it was starting to consume us😆😆! And we were greatly shocked that people actually read our stuff! We’re not even great at writing😅! We believe the key to getting over any hardship (about blogging we suppose – we’re no experts lol 😂) is to stay true to yourself, be honest and enjoy! And you seem to check all of those! Anyways great post! 😉

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    • Thank you so much! Yeah, I feel that; I’m always sure that I’m missing so many bloggers out there! And haha, I get that! I’m still shocked some days that I have so many people reading my stuff! Aw, thank you! ❤

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      • You’re welcome ❤ and since there’s many people deciding everyday to make a blog – it is highly impossible to know every blog! Stay awesome (and blogging) 😉 🤓😎

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  5. I think literally everyone deals with this!! Like you said, when people start at the same time as you yet they have 500 more followers than you do – you can’t help but shake your head and ask “WHAT am
    I doing wrong??” Being a book blogger is filled with so many ups and downs. One step forward and two steps back some days. Hard work, dedication, and staying true to you and what makes you happy pays off in the end! I’ve had to learn to focus more on my own accomplishments more than anyone else’s. Great post and thanks for your honesty! 😁

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    • Yes, I feel the same way! And then I realize that sometimes it’s not you, it’s just how the community works and what they want. I’d love to appeal to all of the blogging community, but I know that’s basically impossible. 😂 And, I feel that! Some days I’m on top, and some days I’m just like, “Meh.” And that’s so true! Thank you! ❤

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  6. First off, how do you bust out so many awesome discussions so quickly?! LIKE, WHAT IS YOUR SORCERY because I can’t even think of topics right now. (ironic that I say this on your envy post, but whatevvvvs)

    All of this is so true! I don’t know if I’m really a big or small blogger, but I envy other people all the time haha I’ll LOVE my design, then I find a blog who’s design is even better & question mine. I look at how many discussions YOU have and be like “dang, I gotta get with the program here”. It’s just a normal thing, I think. Everyone, at some point, experiences it in all types of amounts and forms. I like how you included USING it to motivate you – which is so true! I’m going to blog hop then get my tush to my own posts and come up with a discussion for the next week damn it! lol

    Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook

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    • Everything is pre-written! So, I wrote this post like, in March??? Or April? I can’t really remember anymore. 😂 I’m typically months ahead when it comes to blogging!

      I feel that! Even when I’m super confident about my blog and love where I’m at, I still get jealous of other people! I CAN’T HELP IT. It’s definitely a natural thing, though! And, yes, Molly; get a discussion post going! 😂


  7. This post is so relatable! Blogger envy is the absolute worst, but sometimes it’s totally unavoidable.
    I really loved what you wrote about recognizing your own achievements. Sometimes, when I feel like my blog is going nowhere, I just go back and read some of the comments I’ve gotten before. People took the time to actually read the post and write something thoughtful about something that I DID. That’s what makes it worth it. Lovely post ❤

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    • Yeah, I feel like it’s definitely unavoidable. We’re all pretty jealous by nature, so it’s no surprise that it can sometimes translate to blogging!

      And, yeah, I feel the same way! Sometimes it hits me so hard that the people who follow, read, and comment on my blog are REAL PEOPLE from around the world! Like, what???? And it’s wonderful to get hit with that feeling! Thank you! ❤

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  8. I feel like jealousy is just human, right??? I mean of course we’re happy for fast-growing blogs, but we want that type of growth for our blog as well. XD I think that NO ONE can NOT be envious of other blogs. Even if you have 5K followers, you’ll want 5K more. Gosh that sounds like we’re selfish. XD It’s more like we KNOW that we can do better, but we’re disappointed in ourselves that we aren’t.

    I love this post, Mikaela! I’m always jealous of your ability to think of amazing discussions. 😉

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    • Oh, yeah, it definitely is! I’m like this in real life, too; I’m jealous of people in school who get amazing grades without trying, and some people who look like they have amazing lives on social media. 😅

      And that’s true! When I was a newbie, I thought I’d have a sweet spot for my blog stats and I’d be satisfied, but even now, I want my blog stats to grow every month because I want to get better! It’s not selfish; I think it’s just the natural tendency to want to grow our blog! 😄

      Aw, thank you! And haha, I don’t even remember how I think of them. 😂 And new profile picture; woah! 😍

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  9. This is an interesting topic (like all your discussions :p) I definitely get what you’re saying but I’m seriously so grateful that the book blogging community isn’t a vicious competitive one! :pp

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    • Aw, thank you so much! ❤ And I am, too! I feel like book blogging envy really comes from within, not really anything that the community does, which is really human. I do that in real life too. 😅

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  10. This is a great post and a reminder that the stats are not the be all and end all of blogging. For a while I became a bit obsessed with my stats page and would be constantly wondering why some posts were popular and others less so, why some people had hundreds of followers and I had not reached 100. Then I decided to stop worrying about it and just enjoy chatting about books. I now use the time I used to spend worrying about stats focussing on writing for my own blog and commenting on posts, which is much more enjoyable.

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    • That’s awesome! I’m a person who just likes looking at my stats because it entertains me, and I’m interested, but I’m glad to see that they haven’t taken over your blogging life! 😄

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  11. This is an awesome post! I definitely feel the blogger envy, especially when it comes to how long I’ve been doing it compared to others, and what I am “achieving” compared to them. But I blogging is something that I really enjoy just because, no matter the stats and what not, so I found that the envy really doesn’t bother me too much. I enjoy myself so I ignore the fact that I sometimes feel envious of other blogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And I feel that! There are some people who have started around the same time as me or less than me, and are wildly successful, and I’m just like, “Well, damn.” 😂 And I agree; I love blogging so much and what I’m getting out of it, so I try not to let the envy bother me TOO much! 😄

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  12. I definitely envy your blog and the thing I envy most is when blogs have really popular bloggers commenting on their post. I WISH popular bloggers came to my blog and it’s the worst feeling ever. I don’t care too much for followers but when someone is way more successful than me in a shorter space of time, then I do feel jealous.It doesn’t completely ruin my experience but yeah, that’s how I feel.


    • Really glad I checked my spam, because this comment was in it for some reason???

      Ah, no, don’t! You have way more followers and probably much better stats than me! To be honest, I don’t even know how I got all these popular bloggers to comment on my posts; I’m still baffled to this day. XD But I feel the same way! I get jealous when I see a blogger I love that never seems to comment on my blog. And that’s true; it doesn’t always ruin my experience, but, sometimes, it can just make me feel crappy!

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  13. This was such a brave and compelling topic! I don’t feel like I’m envious so much as frustrated that others don’t see my own efforts… I started my blog in 2014 and took a break in 2016 and have been back for about 10 months. The thing I noticed was that many bloggers I first followed are now gone. I dumped them from my reader as their blogs are now defunct. Slow and steady does indeed win the race. They may have just gotten from their blogging experience what they wanted and moved on. The thing is the book bloggers I love all have different things that make them great, the smaller blogs as well as the mega blogs. Some are dynamite fangirls, some are snarky in the best way, some are hooked into the best events and some have a unique POV… and that includes you! You have some of the best discussions around and are so honest about how you feel, it’s raw and touchy and inspiring!

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    • I definitely feel that! Even now, some of my posts will do better than others, and I’ll be like, “But I worked so hard on that other one!” 😂 And it really doesn’t even have to do with me sometimes, it just depends on what people want to click on! And I get that! Even some of the people who kept up with my posts in my first month are gone, and I’ve been blogging way less than you have! And that’s so true! All the bloggers I follow are so different, which is what makes going through my Feed so fun! AND AW OMG. ❤ Thank you so much for saying that; that makes me smile! 😄

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  14. It’s really easy to feel the jealousy and I’ll be honest there are a few bloggers that are near and dear to my heart, but go to all these events and take all these awesome pictures and I’m feeling really jealous. I’ve never even been to an actual signing 😭. But as far as the follower counts and comments I don’t get as Jealous of. When I see everyone grow, Idk it just makes me super happy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • SAME THOUGH! I live in a state where no book events happen, and seeing all these Californians go to all these awesome events and get 2938229 books always makes me jealous! 😩 It’s good to see that you’re not jealous I blog growth; I wish I were like that! 😅

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  15. Lovely post, Mikaela. I wrote about blogging envy as well a couple months ago, just writing about it felt good. I don’t really deal with blogging envy at all – I try and swallow it down but the best thing to do whenever things get too overwhelming, is to take a step back from the blogosphere all together. There is nothing more efficient than taking a step back and coming refreshed, seeing your blog in a whole new light and loving blogging again. And remembering to take inspiration from others and not jealousy, because this should not be a competitive community – we’re not businesses, we’re not Hollywood stars fighting for the spotlight, we are book lovers 🙂

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    • Thank you! Haha, same; sometimes I just swallow my blogging envy and try to do something else! 😂 And I agree! I remember a couple months ago, I was so frustrated with my blog because I didn’t think it was good enough compared to others. So I took a step back, came back, and realized my blog wasn’t as terrible as what I was making it out to be! And I’ve definitely been doing better and I don’t above thoughts as terrible as that anymore, so that’s a good thing! ❤ Those are very true words; we really should be a book community that sticks together! 😄

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  16. Luckily for me, the only blogger envy I have is when I find a realllly amazing-looking blog (I get so jealous!!). But in terms of followers/ARCs/ etc. I really don’t mind all that much. Because ur right, I’m sure that blogger has worked hard to get to that point, but also that a one point, they might have felt the same type of blogger envy towards other bloggers. I think to overcome or lessen blogger envy, you just gotta focus on your blog and its content, work hard, and have fun with it!!

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    • Haha, same; I’m always jealous of those blogs that look SO BEAUTIFUL. 😍 I have zero design skills whatsoever. 😂 Yeah, exactly! I always have to keep in mind that those who I envy usually have been blogging for 2+ years, and I’ve only been at it for five months, so I’ll get there! And, yes, same! I always like to put that envy into work of my own blog! 😄

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  17. Well, jealousy is something totally normal! I have DEFINITELy experienced it, but more in a “Wow, I wish I had their graphics” or “wow, I wish my posts were as interesting as theirs” kind of way… and DO NOT feel bad. I’ve been blogging for… a while, now? And erm, I posted like once per month. I didn’t even comment on others’ blogs or do anything haha..

    But yes, I feel like this has totally helped me try and push myself to become better. Like seriously, the reason I’m now trying to find better designs for my blog is because of your blog + others’ amazing graphics! (and content, ofc)
    I love this post! You always have the most interesting discussions 🙂

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    • Oh, yeah, I feel that! My first month of blogging I was so annoyed with my graphics. I would see everyone else’s, and mine were just so…bleh. I mean, I like to think I’ve gotten better with them, and I’m much happier with how everything looks now, but that first month of blogging, design was rough. 😝

      Aw, I’m glad it helped! I will have a tutorial coming up next month on how I do my own graphics (though it’s a different process for everyone else)! Canva’s been a big help though for improvement!

      And thank you so much; those are such kind words! 😄

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  18. This is a really great, thoughtful post! I mostly have a hard time with being jealous of followers, because I work so hard on my posts and it can be frustrating when someone else gets way more recognition than I do. I feel like ARCs are a big thing that a lot of people are jealous of because we’re book lovers! We want aaall the books! One thing that helps me is to remember that I’ll get to read them eventually, even if it’s hard to wait xD.

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    • Thank you so much! And I definitely felt that way when I was starting out. I wanted to be noticed by everyone without realizing that that process would probably take a while, and it eventually came with time and hard work! 😄 ARCs I’m still jealous about. There are some people who seem to get ALL OF THEM, but I have to stop myself from being jealous of them! And yeah, that’s so true (even if it is a far away date)! 😂


  19. I feel like my default state is blogger envy. I don’t have a huge following, I’m not good with graphics, and I don’t even get how people take bookstagram photos at all. BUT I will say that when I start to feel envious (more so than admiring or inspired), I take a step back. Because for me, the envy comes from a place of how I feel about me, rather than how I feel about other bloggers. Usually if I’m feeling super down on myself, that’s where that envy is coming from. But that’s just me, maybe. It’s nice to know that pretty much everyone experiences this. At least we’re not alone!

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    • Oh my God, same! Or it’s a thin border between envy and admiration. I don’t know. 😂 I’ll be posting tutorials on how I take my photos and make my graphics, so, hopefully, that might help you (or it might not; I don’t want to be full of myself lol)! Ooh, that’s a good point! I’ve never really thought about if I’m envious when I’m down on myself; I feel like it’s usually because I always want to be like someone else. And, yeah, it’s nice to know we’re not alone! ❤

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      • Omg I can’t wait to see these tutorial posts! Your stuff is so great. I just started using Canva a couple months ago, but I’m horrible with color matching. I consider myself a pretty creative person, but I’m better with words than images, I guess. Even my tattoos are words haha.

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  20. I think everyone deals with this at some point. I know I do 🙂 It’s especially hard when you know someone started their blog at the same time you did (or even later) and they have a ridiculous amount of followers and you…don’t. It definitely makes you wonder if you’re doing something wrong. But, I agree. We should be proud of our own achievements and we should keep working hard!

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  21. Honestly I was shocked when I saw you writing this post, because you’re one of the bloggers I’m the most jealous of!! You’ve had your blog roughly half the time that I have, and yet somehow you have a crazy amount of comments and likes on every post, your blog design is 10000% better than mine, and you are otherwise perfect whereas I’m just here writing posts that have only recently (aka in the past month) started getting over 50 views. And you have 57 COMMENTS on this post already….

    But me being jealous at you aside, I agree that it “hurts” the most when bloggers that started out after you have a bigger following than you. But I think a lot of that is just having a personality on your blog and reaching out to others. Kourtni (https://kourtnireads.wordpress.com/) and I started our blogs literally days apart, and I know she’s a bit more popular than I am, but since I took a blogging break and she’s amazing I don’t really mind. It’s the people who just started and go crazy that make me mad. (good for them though 🙂 )

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    • Aw, Joce; no need to be jealous! 😱 The “yet somehow” is a big thing, though. Because I don’t know how I got here or why it happened, but it did? Honestly, I owe it all to luck! 😂 And I get super jealous of all the people! All those ARCs and amazing bookish events I wish I could go to! 😍

      Ooh, I love Kourtni’s blog! ❤️ And, yeah, I feel that; there are a lot of bloggers who started around the same time as I did and we’re neck in neck in terms of stats and followers! Maybe this year was just a magical time for book blogging??? Who knows? 😂 But I usually have to remind myself that just because someone’s more popular than me doesn’t mean it’s BECAUSE of me. Sometimes different blogs reach different audiences! 😁


      • exactly, and I’m mostly jealous because ily ❤
        if a blogger is really popular but I'm not a huge fan of their content, I know that that's the reason they're more popular than me– we write differently.
        I think this was a good year for blogging because I know a lot of people who started recently and seem really committed!!
        There should be a "new book blogger HELP" forum so that we can form little support groups 🙂

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      • Aw, I love you too! ❤️

        Yeah, same! There are some popular bloggers that I just can’t get into their content or I like the person, and don’t like their blog, which just means it’s not my taste, which is totally okay! 😁

        AND THERE SHOULD! Especially since I’m sure people join in the community every day and might be too shy to comment or ask questions!

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  22. I definitely get blogger envy. One of my weak spots is looking how how pretty and put together other people’s blogs look and then getting really down about how mine looks. Honestly, that’s part of the reason I stayed on blogger for so long because I just couldn’t seem to get my wordpress blog to look the way I wanted it to. I mean, it’s still not quite how I want it but it’s good enough for now. Great advice for dealing with the blogger envy, I’m sure I’ll still get jealous when I see someone has an amazing ARC that I’ve been wanting forever and don’t have though. It’s just the way of life 😂 ! Great post!!

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    • I definitely feel you on that! I was also very frustrated by how boring and awful my blog design and graphics were, and it actually took a lot of changes before I even got to a place where I was satisfied! And, yes, I feel that envy all the time! I would love to reach a level where I’m being sent ARC packages every day, but, alas; I’m not on that level. XD

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  23. This is such a fantastic post because it’s so full of honesty. Here’s a little secret for you, though—this feeling never completely goes away. I’ve been blogging now for four years and I have thousands of followers, many of them very active. I LOVE my little corner of the book blogging community! But, even still, I sometimes look at those bigger bloggers and think, “What did they do to get there? How can I do it?” I still have twinges of jealousy over a blogger who gets more comments or more ARCs or chats with authors like they’re friends or takes beautiful pictures (I’m NOT great at design or Instagram and I’ve just had to come to terms with my shortcomings there—love your pictures, by the way. I’ll have to follow.). I don’t think those little bursts of jealousy ever really go away because it’s part of human nature—to always want to strive to reach another plateau. In general, that urge is a good thing because it helps us get better. Just don’t let it rule you and you’ll be just fine. 🙂

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    • Oh, thank you so much! ❤️ Yes, I totally get that! I remember a couple months back, I was like, “Once I reach this level of followers and stats, I’ll be satisfied.” And now I’m past it, and I still want my blog to grow more and more! I’ll probably never stop feeling jealous or comparing myself – I can’t tell if it’s just a me thing that does that, or maybe everyone feels the same way – and I think I’ve realized that it’s totally okay if I don’t! And thank you so much; I unfortunately don’t have an Instagram account any more (I can’t remember if I mentioned it in the post or not and never edited it)!


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