[Let’s Chat] Do You Talk About Your Blog In Real Life?

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Something that probably won’t be a surprise to all bloggers out there is the fact that we have lives outside of blogging.

I know; such a surprise, right? But, it’s always made me wonder how many of us separate blogging and the “real world,” in a sense. I know that I, for sure, compartmentalize. If you met me in real life, I’d be a totally different person than how I act on the Internet.

So, I decided I’d like to talk about my personal experiences with talking about my blog in real life. Obviously, there aren’t too many because I just don’t like doing it at all, but, hey, why not talk about it anyway.

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So, my close family does know that I blog. There’s an accomplishment right there!

I have to say, the only reason my family knows is the fact that I used to have the crappiest laptop that I got when I was, like, twelve or something, so I decided to use my mom’s, and I had to ask permission before I just spent hours and hours on her laptop (and, BOY, did I spend hours and hours on there. Not like I don’t do that now). I ended up getting a laptop a couple weeks later for Christmas that actually works and is totally awesome, which I wasn’t expecting, so it was such a grateful surprise!

I’d say that my mom is the one who cares more than my dad and my younger brother. My dad knows that I blog and doesn’t really talk to me about it (thank God), and you know how siblings work; my brother doesn’t give a damn about what I do, and same I feel the same about his interests (we’re total opposites; he’s an extrovert, and I’m an intorvert). But my mom is the one who has continually always wanted to get into my business. True story: when I used to be on Wattpad, she created her own account, and pretended to be a girl around my age in order to learn more about my stories because I wouldn’t talk to her about it in real life. And you might be thinking, “LOL, Mikaela; that sounds nuts.” BUT IT’S TRUE. Obviously, I don’t think my mom can do that now since it’s harder to start a random blog account as opposed to Wattpad, but she always keeps trying to pry information about it to me and wants to advertise it to all her friends, and I don’t want that. Mainly because I want my success to be my own, and, also, I just don’t want my mom to know everything about my blog.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’d just rather do stuff on my own regarding things I’m proud of, without the help of my parents. And I also just want one bit of myself out there on the Internet that my mom doesn’t know about much about. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m a teenager that makes me feel that way, but I’d just much prefer a little bit of distance. Just a little.

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Now, regarding friends,  it’s a whole different ballgame for me. I have never mentioned to my friends that I have a book blog. Except one. And that’s basically it. 

I’ve already mentioned a million times about how I don’t really have anyone to talk to regarding books, so this place is where I like to go to express that. It’s again akin to the whole thing with my mom; I just want a little corner of the Internet that’s separate from my life in the real world. I actually had one of my friends read my Wattpad stories before I deleted them, and I always found it so amusing that she truly enjoyed reading them. It always made me nervous, but it was nice to know that she really appreciated my writing, but, for some reason, I feel totally different regarding blogging.

Also, okay, I might have a TINY fear that they might find it weird that I take pictures of books, and I consider that a hobby. Or that I have all these people following me because they think I’m cool or whatever. I’m not the only one who has those types of fears, right? RIGHT?

I have to say, sometimes it sucks when something amazing happens regarding my blog, but I don’t really feel like I can celebrate it with my friends because they don’t know about it, but remembering that I can fangirl on Twitter or on my blog and have people who truly understand me is what makes me happy and actually makes up for it, in a way.

And if my blog became public knowledge to my school?

haha no


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For me, those are the only two categories in my real life that I can talk about, but I’m sure there are other people that have some others, such as bloggers older than me who have co-workers and such.

To me, the general consensus is that I just really like to have something private that I’d like to keep to myself. Obviously, it’s not private in the way most people would say it’s private, since I’m still posting my stuff on a public blog, and also promoting it all on sorts of social media accounts, but I consider blogging something that I keep separate from the real life, and that works for me.

Also, to those who are probably like, “Where did the #DregsDiverseathon sign-up go?” I deleted it! Long story short, I wasn’t really ready to post it, but I didn’t really have anything to go up for Monday, so I made a terrible decision to post something for the sake of something. So, the readathon isn’t gone forever; I have it in my drafts, and I probably will wait to host it later this year or something! But everything’s good!

Let's Chat

Do you talk about your blog in real life? Have you had any weird experiences with that? Why do you talk or not talk about your blog in real life?

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106 thoughts on “[Let’s Chat] Do You Talk About Your Blog In Real Life?

  1. Nooope!! My close friends and family know, and that’s about it. I did tell my boss about it because of a potential conflict of interest (I work in the marketing department of a publisher). Otherwise, I try not to mention it in real life. I’m not really sure why though. I’m proud of it and I love blogging, but I guess I’m keeping Internet Me and Real Life Me separate.

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    • I actually want to work in publishing, so I’d probably have to do the same thing someday! I feel like I’ll probably have to admit it in college as well since I want to major in publishing as well! 😂 And, yeah, exactly! I just like keeping things separate! Nice to know it’s not just a “me” thing! 😄

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  2. I’m completely the same. My close family knows that I have a book blog but I’ve never told any of my friends. It’s not a secret or anything I just kind of don’t bring it up. If anyone asked me about it I’d tell them but I just don’t feel the need to bring it up on my own. I do tend to keep my blogging and ‘real’ life separate though. So like I have two twitter accounts, one that I use to interact with the book community and the other is just my personal one that I’ve had for years. Another great discussion post ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    • Yeah, I just never bring up my blog into conversation, since there’s no need for it! And, yep, same; I really like keeping both parts of my life separate! I never had social media before blogging, but I probably would have done the same! Thank you! ❤


  3. It’s not just me then! I have told my parents, my boyfriend and my bestie. Only my best friend has read it. I suspect everyone else thinks it’s a waste of time. I’m scared that if I told anyone else they’d say “oooh I’ll go and read it” then be either immediately bored or disappointed.

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    • Yeah, same; I don’t think my parents understand how much time and work I put into blogging (they’d probably be surprised)! 😂 And, yeah; I get that! I feel like they wouldn’t like it, and that’s hurt me on the inside! 😩

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  4. I recently made a post about the fact that people I know IRL actually read my blog… and it’s the strangest feeling! I usually never bring it up, but if someone asks me about it then I’ll tell them. I feel weird bringing it up on my own, though.

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    • Yeah, I don’t think I’d ever be the first one to bring it up (how would I, really???), but if someone asked about it, I’d probably be like, “Yeah, I do!” I don’t know if I’d expect to be bombarded with questions, or for them to just be like, “Okay. Cool!” 😂

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  5. Hahaha nope. Literally nobody knows about my blog, not even my family or closest friends. And I kind of like it, though I do relate that you can’t share your accomplishments. Another con is because my writing is so closely related to my blog, I also haven’t told anyone about that… lol. My life online and irl is so different and by now, mixing up my lives would just be weird, and I think I might offend my friends a little by not telling them about something that has been such a huge part of my life for almost a year now.

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    • Oh, yeah, when I was writing, that was much more public! I don’t even know why; but one of my friends found my account and my mom made an account to check up on me. But, for blogging, in keeping it tight under wraps! 😂 Yeah, I get that! It’d be so weird telling my friends five months after blogging that I blog…or even years down the road (if I last that long)!

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  6. First up, it’s totally cool that you put the readathon back in your drafts – wait for a time when you know you’ll have plety of time and when you’re ready to settle down and read! ❤️😎

    As for this post, as always I feel like you took the words right out of my mouth! My mum and two of my close friends know about my blog, though my friends only found out because it’s linked on my instagram. It’s totally embarrasing knowing they could just read my posts at any time but I like having the link there. I definitely get why you don’t talk to your friends about your blog, my friends aren’t really readers either and don’t understand how I read so much or have the time to blog and still have a solid sleep schedule. If I’m honest I don’t understand how they don’t have more hobbies.

    My mum, however, is a totally different story, she wouldn’t go to the point of creating a fake account but she is always trying to find out more about it. Honestly, I don’t know if I ever would have told her until I was well into Uni but she walked in on me writing a post one day and well, here we are.

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    • Yes, definitely! I need to break out of my terrible reading slump! But summer is coming upon me and I have a lot of e-ARCs to read…

      Haha, yeah that’d be so weird! I actually had no social media before I started blogging, and I don’t know how I’d deal with keeping up personal and blogging accounts for everything! 😅 Oh, gosh, I feel like reading was my only hobby before blogging! Now blogging has taken over my life! 😂

      Yeah, I’ve always wondered if I would have even told them if I didn’t have to use her laptop! 😂 I mean, maybe eventually? I don’t know!

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  7. I didn’t for a long time and then I finally began to tell people about it. I feel like initially, I didn’t really know what I was doing and I was kind of embarrassed to be putting myself out there but the longer I have been doing it, and the more confidence I gain, I told a few people. One of my friends actually started following my blog without even noticing it was me! lol

    Liked by 2 people

    • Ooh, yes, my blog was a hot mess when I started! 😂 I started it on a whim with zero knowledge about WordPress.com so everything looked terrible! I’ve improved since then, so it wouldn’t be too bad if people found it now since I much prefer the design! Oh my God, that’s hilarious! 😂 It’d be so weird if one of my friends just found me without me telling them!

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    • Yes, I totally get that! I think not knowing what their reactions would be is what makes me freak out the most! Ooh, I’m about to reach six months next month, but I still don’t think I would! I’m terrified! 😂

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  8. My family knows and my best friends know. I don’t keep it a secret that I blog but I think a lot of people just don’t care so they don’t remember. I like letting people know how much I like books and I think my blog’s really cool so I show it to my friends a lot.

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    • Yeah, same! I haven’t talked about my blog since January, so I feel like my family probably doesn’t even remember I have one? Or maybe they do and I just don’t know about it! 😂 I feel like my blog looks good, too, and I’m proud of it, but I’m so self-conscious about it! It’s really silly, when I think about it! 😂

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  9. Great post, I totally agree I prefer keeping my blog separate from my real life my family knows I have one but have never read it and I plain on keeping it that way and only one of my friends know and that’s because she’s the only one who loves books as much as I do.

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    • Yes, I totally feel this! Even though I’m confident about my blog now, to people in real life, I’d be so nervous and embarrassed! Haha, I’m definitely not disclosing the name of my blog! Not many people search “well-thumbed” anyway, so I like to think I’m good? 😂

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  10. I don’t really! The only people who know I have a blog are my mom and my best friend (and that’s because she’s a bookworm as I am haha).
    I don’t usually mention it unless that person likes reading books as well, and is close to me.

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    • Yeah, I get that! I guess it’s just easier to tell my Bookworm friends because they get it??? 😂 Like, to people who don’t read, it’ll probably be so weird to know there’s a whole giant book blogging community out there! 😄

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  11. I’m the same way! I’m a private type of person. I’ll share with you when I feel I’m ready to and when I’m comfortable. 2 of my friends suggested I start a blog because they know how much I love writing and I wanted to start one anyway so I did. But I haven’t shared it with them yet lol and no one in my family knows yet. My family is strange in ways so eh. Maybe one day I will. My boyfriend knows I Blog but he hasn’t seen it yet either. He’s patiently waiting lol

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  12. And the main reason I haven’t shared yet is because one of them are into reading/writing, blogging like I am. And of course some family members will be making judgements

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  13. I’m generally really open about my blog! Pretty much everyone in my life knows about it and reads it– my family (sometimes), my friends, my coworkers, my colleagues at school. It does feel strange at times that people IRL read it, but it’s also something I’m extremely proud of and that I choose to share with people. I’m all about spreading literacy and the love of reading, and if my posts help someone who doesn’t typically read pick up a book, well, then any discomfort I might feel is worth it. That being said, I definitely understand the need to have a space on the Internet that’s solely *yours*. (For me, that’s BookTube. No one knows about my channel except for one of my best friends who also makes videos.) Had I been in high school when I started blogging, I would have 100% kept my blog to myself. But being in college and surrounded by people who support me in all my nerdiness made it a lot easier to share this part of myself with the people around me.

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    • Ah, that’s so nice! I totally feel that; I don’t think my brother would read my blog, but he doesn’t like reading, and there have been a couple of books that he’s liked because I didn’t like them and passed them on to him! It’s always good to spread the reading love! 😄

      Oh, yes, if I had a YouTube channel, no one would know about that! 😂 I’m too awkward to handle that! And, that’s good to know! I want to major in Publishing, so I guess it’d be inevitable for me to talk about my blog, and, hopefully, I’ll be less weird about it??


  14. I love that you chose to talk about this! I don’t talk to ANYONE IRL about my blogging or social media life whatsoever. For me, I’m vaguely embarrassed about how much I depend on the internet for human interaction. I live in a small town with a majority population of like, retirement-age people. All my friends are at least an hour and a half away by car. So for me, I like having my blogging life as this private thing I do to talk about things I can’t talk about in reality. And then there’s the fact that even if I did tell my friends about my blog, there’s no way they’d read it. In my experience, when friends in real life say they want to read something you wrote, they’re mostly doing it to be nice.

    It does make me wonder though, as to why I “hide” my blogging from my real life. I definitely talk about things on my blog I wouldn’t talk about with my family, like my (lack of) religious views and why I enjoy reading religiously diverse books, my depression, my sexuality…all things that just don’t really get discussed with my family, no matter how much I love them.

    (I sound like a totally bitter person, but I swear I’m not! Okay, maybe a little.)

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    • Ooh, that’s so interesting! I also love quite separated from my friends – not as far as you, but my neighborhood is mostly adults and the kids are much younger than me! It definitely is nice to have people to talk to online – I’ve been doing it since middle school, and it’s always nice to find someone to bond with! I’ve made a real friend just by exchanging messages through Goodreads!

      Hm, I wonder if I’ve talked about anything personal on my blog? I don’t think so! I guess I feel comfortable with my family talking about things! Like, my family is more conservative and I’m liberal, but they don’t seem to mind me being outspoken about it, so that’s nice! 😄

      Oh, don’t worry! My family considers me so negative in real life. 😂 I mean, I am, but still!

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      • I started on Tumblr about 7 years ago, which is where I really started the whole “personal confessional” style of blogging. At the time pretty much no one followed me, but with my blog here on WordPress I’m much more… professional? If not professional, than at least I’m not just blogging for myself anymore. So I don’t really promote my posts on facebook because there are people on there (especially family/ people from my old church) that I wouldn’t want to see some of my more personal stuff.

        So I think it’s ok to not talk about your internet life in real life. I think it’s natural. And you’re not alone 🙂

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  15. I don’t keep my blog a secret, I’m proud of it and all the work that I’ve put into it to make it what it is. My blog is my baby. And I totally get that you want some distance, I don’t think it’s just a teenager thing either. I think the wanting distance thing is an introvert thing.

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    • That’s awesome! You’re much more confident than I am! 😂 Ooh, that makes sense! I honestly never know where to assign what things to want aspect of myself – being a teenager, shy, introverted, or socially anxious. Too many things! 😂


  16. I don’t really talk about my blog in “real life.” My boyfriend and a few close friends know about it, but to be honest none of them are really that interested. Also, I made the mistake of letting a certain person know about my blog once and they went and checked it out and used some of the personal stuff I wrote against me. Ever since then I have been hesitant to mention it to many people.

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    • Yeah, I’m not sure if my friends would be interested in my blog since they don’t read too much! Woah, that’s terrible! 😞 I can’t believe someone would be that mean. I can totally see why you’d be more reserved from then on!

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  17. I feel the exact same way with my blog and bookstagram! My close family knows and a handful of my friends, but I rarely discuss it with them. I think I would be mortified if everyone at my school knew about it, just because I feel like everyone would think it’s a super nerdy hobby (which it is, but I don’t know if I want people at school thinking that stuff… 😂). Unfortunately, my mom is a lot like yours and tells all her friends about my blog!! 😣Funny story: I was at a birthday dinner with my aunt, uncle, grandma, cousins, etc. (I see them fairly often but ya know it’s relatives so I’m not close to them at all), when my aunt leans over and says ACROSS THE TABLE “Mia I’m enjoying your blog so much!” A) I had no clue that she even knew about it, and B) she didn’t just know about it, she was READING it 😂 So definitely not the best experience, but I suppose it forced me to come out of my introverted a shell a bit. Awesome discussion post Michaela! ❤️

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    • Oh, yeah, same! I feel like it’d be weird because I don’t talk much at school; I’m pretty sure most people know me as “The Quiet Girl.” So I guess it might be a shock that I’m way more popular in the blogging world! 😂

      Oh my God, I’d hate it if one of my friends or family members just said that they found my blog one day. SO EMBARRASSED! Thank you! Don’t worry about the Mikaela, thing; my spelling of the name is actually irregular. 😂

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  18. There are very few people in my real life who know about my blog, my parents and some of my siblings. I don’t promote my blog in my real life because, first, I don’t think many people would care, and second, for some reason it seems easier to converse with strangers than have people I actually know and see reading my stuff! As far as I know, my sister is the only one who reads it on a consistent basis, and that’s fine with me. She, however, thinks it’s weird that I don’t tell other people about it.

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    • Yeah, I don’t know if many people IRL would care about my blog since most of them don’t read much! And, yeah, my mom doesn’t get it either! She’s so confused about why I’m more comfortable with strangers and not people IRL, but I guess because we’re no face-to-face?


  19. I like this conversation. I’ve found that the only people truly interested in my blog are people who care about books. Others seem to be bored with much talk of it, so I also mainly keep it to myself. I do love having the book blogging community to talk with! ❤️ Nice post!

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    • Yeah, I feel like most of my friends would be uninterested because I don’t have many IRL friends who enjoy reading! And, yes; I totally feel that; the community is amazing! Thank you! ❤


  20. Some of my friends read books. I haven’t told a soul and I really don’t want. I feel like everyone would be like ‘WEIRRDD’. and if my school found out, it’d just be awkward? I ‘m super scared about talking about my blog, and surprisingly shy? Whenever my family brings it up, I try and change the subject or just say little about it – I feel like my blog is MY accomplishment, something personal even though anyone can view it at any time.

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    • Yes, exactly! I feel like people would think it was weird that I blog about books! Haha, my family doesn’t really bring up my blog in conversation, so that’s good! 😂 And exactly! It’s my accomplishment, and I just like that it’s “mine” in the sense of the word!

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  21. I remember how scared I was to tell my friends that I wrote novels, but they were all so supportive and encouraging. So telling them about my blog wasn’t that big of a deal for me. Being surrounded by people who take pride in my accomplishments makes me incredibly grateful.

    I’m new to blogging and book reviewing, and am very impressed by your blog. I was wondering if you had any tips for newbie bloggers and book reviewers.

    If you have the time, please check out my blog @breenysbooks. I’d love any feedback. Have a wonderful day.

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    • Ooh, yes, when one of my friends read my stories on Wattpad, it was so weird! But she was so supportive and excited for my story and updates that it was actually pretty nice. 😄

      Oh, thank you so much! Welcome to the blogging community! I’d say that commenting around on different blogs was really what got my name out there, and that social media is a great way to promote your blog and posts! I’ll be posting a blog post about Tips for Newbie Book Bloggers next month if you want to look out for that! And, totally; I want to expand on commenting back, so I’ll add your blog to the list! 😄

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  22. I talk about it a bit in my real life actually! Basically my whole family and extended family knows because my parents like bragging to people about it and my friends all know too. Some people from school know too I think and I don’t mind at all but it isn’t something that comes up in conversation really because they don’t like books LOL!! Great post!

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    • Oh my God, I’d hate it if my parents bragged about my blog to everyone they meet! 😂 I always feel weird when I’m right there and adults start talking about me and then want me to jump in. Like, no thanks! 😬 And, yeah, I can only think of about four or five people in my school who enjoy reading, so I guess not many people would care??? Hopefully??? 😂 Thank you, Emma!

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  23. My friends know, I was so excited when I first made a blog I just told them all instantly. Kinda regret that now, I wish I only told my two close friends instead of them all! It’s caused some…issues, to put it lightly😔 My mum knows and my brother, but they don’t really care😂 Well my mum kinda does! She’s just happy that I enjoy it🙂

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    • Oh, no; that totally sucks! 😩 I would never want that to happen (even though I don’t think I mention them enough on my blog)! Yeah, I don’t think my brother cares at all. Or remembers! 😂 I guess my mom is happy that I enjoy it! I haven’t asked her in a while!

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  24. This is a good post for discussion. Only three of my friends know I blog and have seen my blog. I don’t talk about it much but they’re supportive.

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  25. My family and my best friend know I have a blog and that’s it. I agree if my school/uni/work mates knew I had a blog I would hate it. Blogs are suuuper personal things and I wouldn’t like them to know I had one – I hate the thought that they’d actually find it!

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    • Yeah, that’s definitely me! I know there are some fellow book bloggers who say that most people at their college know! If that happened to me, I’d start freaking out! 😂 Even if I’m not really even talking about anything that should cause such anxiety, I just feel weird about anybody reading anything I write! 😂


      • Omg no!! And same, it’s nothing super embarrassing, but I’m quite a private person so I would hate if people i knew that weren’t close to me found out

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  26. I didn’t really tell anyone about my blog for a while because I like keeping my online life and my offline life primarily separate. But since I’ve been blogging for six years now, it’s come out to some people–and the reality is that none of them care and none of them read it. I still keep it on the down-low, particularly with coworkers and such because it really is never a good idea to get your work life mixed up with social media and things you say online that your coworkers or boss might decide they object to. But I guess I don’t purposely keep it secret from most people because I’ve realized it’s irrelevant if none of them are going to look at it anyway.

    And that’s perhaps fair. I know some people who run blogs about various topics, but I don’t read theirs either because I have no interest in them. The flip side, however, is that none of these people are serious or consistent in blogging in any way; they have no real audience the way I do. And I think that’s what people imagine when I tell them I have a blog–that it’s some weird hobby I do in my free time and that I have five followers including my mother and my cat. Most people who aren’t involved in blogging don’t realize how serious the community can be.

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    • Oh, yeah, I’m sure it’s really hard to avoid people knowing about your blog when you’ve been doing it for so long! I have no idea if any of my friends would care that I blog? My mom has always been confused about why I’m okay with strangers reading my blog and not my close family, but I guess it’s because I think they’d judge? Or it’d be awkward? I don’t know!

      That’s so true! I wonder if my friends and family would be surprised if I said I was on the verge of 400 followers and getting thousands of page views a month. Probably shock? 😂 I know I didn’t really know how big the blogging community was until I joined it!

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    I don’t talk about my blog to ANY of my friends, but my dad has a general knowledge of my blogging .. I think?? I talk to my sister actively about it, but I think that’s it.
    Once I mentioned to my friends last year and said “I want to start a book blog!” But they probably forgot about that XD

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    • Yeah, exactly! I haven’t really mentioned my blog since January, so who knows? They might have forgotten it! 😂

      Yeah, I remember mentioning I wanted to start a blog on Goodreads around this time, I think! So weird how time has passed! 😄

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  28. Your mom is officially my favourite person ever! Creating an account to see what my kids are up to is something I would do!! But from the teenage perspective I know what it’s like to want to have your own separate identity from your family. My husband knows and so do my parents and kids. But that’s the only people I’ve told! A few family member have found out as well. But none of my friends really know. Who am i kidding … introvert…. I don’t really have friends lol

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    • Haha, I’m sure she’d appreciate that! 😂 Oh, gosh, I’d hate it if people found out through some Google search that I had a book blog. I’m banking on the fact that “well-thumbed” isn’t too popular of a search term. 😂

      I feel that! Out of the six or so friends I have, I really only feel close to three of them, and the others are more acquaintances, if that makes sense? 😄

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      • I did a google search a few months after I started my blog. I wanted to see if I could find it that way. Turned out I couldn’t find it that easily BUT there were a lot of topics for a person under the same name that were very negative! My only thought was “I hope people don’t think that was me!!” 😂
        I also have few I would call friend and most I would consider acquaintances. I don’t interact with people a lot but like to talk to them when I actually get around to it. So it makes perfect sense to me!!

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      • Ooh, I found mine, and it was so weird to see it there! It’s even weirder now since I get a lot of traffic from my blog through Google searches and search engines. To think my blog popped up and someone clicked on it is such a weird concept to me! And haha; that’d be terrible! 😂

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  29. Huh, this is a very interesting topic!! I wouldn’t have put much thought into it before but it’s interesting to see all the various responses and of course, to hear your own view of the matter. 🙂

    I personally shamelessly self-promote my blog to ANYONE lmao My friends know I have one but rarely come by it, they check it out when I first mention it and beyond that I’m not aware if they do. I mention it to strangers during my NAMI IOOV presentations and have gained a few followers that way (as well as on my Youtube channel). My parents know about it, which I sometimes wish they didn’t because they check up on me that way and it’s caused some rifts a few times (although it’s also probably saved my ass a few times too, literally). I talk about it in therapy for sure. And I think it’s just relatives that don’t know about it, because I’m not sure how much I’m “allowed” to discuss my mental health issues with them (which sucks because it’s such a big part of my life, through blogging and promoting recovery). But yeah, that’s my experience with it! 😀

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    • Thank you! I’ve always wondered how much people share about their blog in real life because I know there are some people out there who don’t care. BUT I CARE SO MUCH. 😂

      Haha, I could never do that! My mom wanted to go that route of self-promoting to everyone she knew and I was like NO! Even though I was desperate when I first started out, it really wouldn’t have paid off in the end because I don’t know if those adults would even visit my blog more than once???

      I don’t even think my parents check up on my blog much! They typically leave me alone nine times out of ten, which I prefer. 😂 But, yeah, it’s so nice to hear how people have different experiences depending on what they blog about! That probably factors in!

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  30. Oh my gosh YES. I am SUPER SHY and though I’m proud of my blog and what I’ve accomplished, I’m VERY embarrassed to share it with anyone else in real life! I have a few IRL friends who have blogs as well, and I talk to them about it. But the others? Haha NO. I just feel so embarrassed??? But there’s nothing to be embarrassed about???

    Actually, yesterday, I was flippinhg through a notebook I had, trying to find a drawing I did to show my friend, but on the other side, it said “blog post ideas”, and I got really embarrassed. Turns out she wants to start a blog too, which is cool! But then she talks about posting stuff and all that and I’m just like SHHH KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN. XD

    I think people would be surprised that I have a blog, since I’m so quiet, and I also feel embarrassed by what I post, even though I LOVE reading and writing (which is what I post about lol). Basically I’m embarrassed by my blog even when I shouldn’t be. XD

    AND THAT GIF THO. SO ME. I would die if my whole school knew I had a blog. 😱

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    • Yes, exactly! I’m really proud with what I accomplished with my blog, but I just never like talking about it in real life! I don’t have any friends who blog, though (or maybe they do, and they’re also keeping secrets! Who knows!). 😂

      I wonder if my friends would be surprised if I blogged? I haven’t really thought about it, but I’m the quiet one of the group, so I can’t tell if blogging would sort of be a normal outlet for me. 😂 I think they’d be more surprised if I said I had a YouTube channel. That terrifies me! 😅

      I KNOW RIGHT. I’d panic. Especially since I’ve bad-mouthed my school in some posts OOPS. 😂

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  31. The only people who know about my blog are my parents, my bookish friend and my former english teacher. I would love to have people who are genuinely interested in reading my blog in my life, but no one really seems to be hyped about it or read it. I only have one friend that loves to read like me and she is not that into blogging. 😦

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    • Haha, that’d be my worst nightmare! 😂 I feel like they’d judge me or maybe not like it??? And I also only have one IRL friend who’s into books, but not so much into blogging! She’s more of a writer, but I feel closest to her that telling her about my blog isn’t so bad! 😄

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  32. I really enjoyed reading your post. So personal and very thought-provoking. Some people don’t like to share everything they do, and that’s totally fine! Some people are opposite and share everything. I am a 6th grade teacher and started a blog and had my students start a blog. I had to be open and promote it to encourage them, and then I got other teachers reading. I am more self-conscious on taking pictures of books because sometimes it feels silly (but I love it!) and I do have a lot of coworkers (teachers) following. I guess I am more open because I use it for teaching and need to get it out there to my students and maybe to coworkers. Does that make sense? 😂 I do feel weird posting on Facebook about my blog though…so you have something there about personal spaces. To sum it up: Do what you love and share with who you want. 👍 Happy blogging and reading!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, thank you so much! 😄 I don’t like sharing what I do a lot, but I guess that’s part of my introverted personality! It carries online as well; like, I don’t even follow a lot of people on social media because it stresses me out. 😂

      Oh, that’s so cool that you use your blog for teaching! I know you mentioned that in another comment! And, yes, taking pictures of books makes sense to me…but I feel like it’s so silly to everyone else. 😂

      Oh, yeah, I actually had zero social media before blogging, so I never had to that separate! It’s actually funny how blogging moved me to do all that! And that’s definitely true! ❤


  33. I don’t tend to talk about my blog in real life. It’s not really out of embarrassment or anything like that but I’m just a really private person. My parents know about it (kind of hard to keep it a secret from them when I’m on WordPress so much) but my friends and colleagues don’t know, and honestly I doubt I’ll ever tell them. I like having my own private corner of the internet away from my real life you know?
    Great post Mikaela! 🙂

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    • Haha, that’s true; if I hadn’t had to use my mom’s laptop, I probably wouldn’t have mentioned it to them that much (or not at all)! 😂 I feel the same way; I’m a private person and just want to keep my stuff to myself, in a sense! Thank you! ❤

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      • I tend to share different parts of my life with different people, but yeah I’m really private. I think now I’ve got to the stage where I’ve been blogging so long I can’t really admit it to people without explaining why I didn’t tell them sooner.
        That’s all right! 🙂 ❤

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  34. Wow this is such an interesting post! What a great idea; a lot of discussion around it huh? 😂 Yeah, I think that most of us don’t really tell people…only my very best friend knows about it, but she is an 100% bookworm who also owns a blog 😁 My other friends vaguely know about it. When I first made my blog I showed them but nobody cared besides my best friend so I just didn’t bother anyone with my slightly strange/obsessive/undying passion for books haha. There are a few other people who know about it like I told my English teacher (because she is the most amazing teacher ever. Actually.) But one time she brought it up in front of the whole class and I was like nope nope bye 😬😂 I feel like it’s kinda weird for other people to know about it because it’s basically like a Instagram in bookish form that people can stalk. Weird right?

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    • Thank you! 😁 Oh, that’s awesome; I don’t have any friends who blog, but I do have friends that are bookworms like I am. Haha, that would be embarrassing. 😂 I’m not close enough to a teacher to have told them about my blog. Yeah, it’s nit really weird to me, but I know it might be weird to everyone else!

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  35. I totally see what you mean about wanting your own corner of the internet where nobody else knows about it. That’s how I was until recently, and now my friends know that I have one, but I won’t tell them the URL and they’re forbidden to read it and I’m 99% sure they generally think it’s weird. I’m almost more nervous about them seeing my book Twitter because I’m way more personal on there than in real life Twitter.

    I told my parents 7 months (about, I’m guestimating) after I started it, and mostly because I couldn’t contain my excitement about the fact that I HAD 100 FOLLOWERS (yes, my blog grew very slowly at first, it was my lack of interaction with the outside blogging world to blame) and now they know that I have it, but they also don’t know the URL to go check. I like being able to talk about it without having them actually read it, I feel like it’s the best of both worlds

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    • Haha, same! Like, even if I did eventually tell my friends, I probably wouldn’t tell them any specifics about it! 😂 I don’t feel like I’m personal on Twitter – or anywhere, really! Or maybe I am? But I guess it really all depends on what you consider personal!

      Yeah, I don’t think my parents know the specific URL or name of my blog, but they know that I have one in general. Yeah, I like the best of both worlds (even though I don’t bring up my blog much in conversation). 😂

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      • haha I only bring mine up when I’m super excited something happened, otherwise I just let it go.

        and I’m not exactly “personal” on twitter but idk it just feels like mine and I can’t really get past the idea of people I know seeing it.

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  36. I’m older, and I completely understand this. My blog is not strictly book related, I blog about a few things, and while a few people know that I recently started a blog, I have not advertised to many people how they can locate it. I’m not sure I want family and friends to read it, we’ll see how I feel about it a little further down the line.

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  37. I just started my blog and bookstagram, but I’ve only my bestest friend. I told her because she nail polish vlogs, and I figured she’d understand and while our topics are different, we both talk about things we’re passionate about. Other than that, I don’t plan on telling anyone else, no one really gets my geekiness for books.


    • Yeah, that makes sense! If one of my friends also did the same thing, I’d probably be much more inclined to tell them, but I don’t, so that might explain things! I also don’t have any friends, except one, that shares my intense love for books, so get that! 😀


  38. Hahahaha your mom created a Wattpad account to read your stories 😂😂 Kinda creepy but also kinda cute?
    My friends know about my blog and they think it’s cute that I have it, but only one friend reads it. The others are just not that interested in book reviews, but they support me, and that’s what counts! My family knows that I blog, but they don’t have a link. I think having them read my posts would make me really self-conscious about the things I say, and I don’t want that.

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    • Haha, I was super angry at the time when I found out! I can’t tell how I feel about it now, though. XD

      Yeah, I feel like if I told my friends, they probably wouldn’t really care or read it (which is fine by me)! They’re not really into books like I am, so it makes sense. And, yeah, same; my family knows, but I haven’t given them a link to it. I don’t even talk about it much, so who knows if they remember. XD I feel the same way! I get so nervous when people I know read anything I write, for some reason.

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  39. It’s weird isn’t it! My close family and friends know but otherwise I haven’t mentioned it but there isn’t an actual reason! I think your right about having blog me and normal me seperate!

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