33 thoughts on “[RECOMMENDATIONS] If You Liked This 2017 Release, Read These Backlist Books!

  1. Ahhh I’m so glad you mentioned The Rook!! I read it years ago and it’s still one of my faves ❤ I actually just borrowed the sequel from the library the other day and I'm so excited to read it. Love this post!

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  2. LOVE this idea! Especially when it comes to mentioning books that aren’t new releases. I’ve got a few of your recommendations on the TBR still (Red Rising, Vassa in the night, Darkest part of the Forest) and I’m really happy to know that you like and recommend them!

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  3. Okay I totally need to check out some of these books, especially the ones you have listed for Queens of Geek, THUG, and Nemesis. I loved all three of those books so much and I need more like them!

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  4. These are some great recommendations Mikaela, and I’ve read a fair few of these myself. I am a huge fan of Red Rising, and I really loved Frostblood as well so I should probably check out Tell the Wind and Fire (I do have it on my to-read list, just haven’t quite gotten around to it yet.) I’m also a huge fan of Caraval, Bone Gap and Vassa in the Night.
    You’ve featured some of my favourite books from this year; The Hate U Give, Strange the Dreamer, Flame in the Mist, so I now have a few more I can check out! 😀
    Again great post.

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    • Yes, Red Rising is SO GOOD! ❤ I’ve had Tell The Wind And Fire on my TBR for a full year because I’m still failing at my whole “backlist books” goal this year! 😂 Yeah, I’m so glad! I’ve also been failing on the reading 2017 releases part as well; I really need to catch up! 😬

      Thank you! 😘

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  5. Agh, these posts are so amazing! I don’t think people how realize how much work recs like this takes. ❤ I've read a few of these books, so I'll have to take a look at the similar books and maybe check them out! Thank you for sharing! 😀 ❤

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  6. I have many of the books you’ve mentioned on my TBR, but I adored that thing you did with the recommendations! Now I’m even more excited to read them (or have another excuse to buy some of the others you recommended😂)

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  7. So many books on this list that I haven’t read yet, new and old! I don’t have the time someone build me a time machine and then give me like an infinite amount of money so I can actually buy them all 😂 Great list though! Definitely checking out those recs for The Hate U Give and Queens of Geek (minus Fangirl which is definitely a great rec based on QoG) because they’re the only new ones on this list I’ve read and I need more books like them in my life. Thank you for the recs!

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