[ANNOUNCEMENT] Ask Me Your Burning Questions For My 6 Month Blogiversary!

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So, next Tuesday is my six-month blogiversary!

excited oprah

I can’t believe that everything has gone by SO FAST. It feels like just yesterday when I pre-maturely started my blog even though I was planning on waiting until January 1. Whoops. (I mean, looking back on it, it was a good decision, but still. Premature.)

But I’m going to be talking about my stats and achievements next Wednesday! For this post, I thought it’d be fun to have a Q and A on my blog to celebrate, so I’m going to be asking you guys to ask me any questions that you have, whether they’re related to blogging, books, reading, music, movies, TV shows, etc. As long as it’s not something like, “What’s your address?” Because, no.

I’ll be leaving this open probably until Tuesday since the blogiversary post is going up Wednesday, and it’ll probably take a while to write it! I’ll also be accepting any questions via Twitter if you want to shoot me one there (my account will be linked at the end of this post)!

I’m very excited for this, so feel free to comment away with as many questions as you have! 

Ask away


Also, I wanted to mention that Project Big Blogger, Little Blogger is over! I know, it’s so sad! But, that means it’s now time to enter Phase 2 of the project, where we create a post highlighting our Little Blogger in some way! A couple of you guys have already started, and I’ve taken note of that, which is awesome! Just whenever you make the post, link back to me in some way so I know to check it out! I’m hoping to have the masterpost up sometime in July, so just make sure it’s not TOO late. If you have any more questions, all the details are in the original post!

Follow Me


16 thoughts on “[ANNOUNCEMENT] Ask Me Your Burning Questions For My 6 Month Blogiversary!

  1. Congratulations! I’ve only been following you for a few weeks but I love your blog & follow everything you post! Haha stalker much?

    1. What’s your blogging schedule like? How do you plan what to write in advance?
    2. What would you like to see more of in books?
    3. Do you write fiction?
    4. What’s your favorite character trope?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 1.) what’s your favorite thing about blogging?
    2.) What’s your least favorite thing about blogging?
    3.) How do you plan out your blog posts and how do you keep up with it?
    4.) What is your all time favorite book that you could never get tired of?
    5.) What is You biggest disappointment (book wise) so far this year?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations!!!! Your blog is spectacular and you’ve really got this whole blogging thing DOWN in such a short time so I think that’s super impressive! 🙂

    I was wondering how you manage to come up with your blogging discussion topics? How do you find the inspiration that makes you go “ya know, that’d be a great discussion topic!”?

    And also what is your routine prior to sitting down and writing a post? Do you have to light your favorite candle or open your window or listen to music?

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congrats!!!
    1) What are your hobbies outside of blogging?
    2) What are your career aspirations?
    3) Favourite blogs or blogs you look up to?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. CONGRATS MIKAELA DEAR!!! ❤ It's so CRAZY to know that half a year has gone by, huh? XD Six months is coming up for me as well. I hope you've had a wonderful time in the blogosphere so far!

    1. What are some blogs you want to check out? (Like if you've heard any blogs but haven't been able to look at them yet.)
    2. How has blogging changed you?
    3. What genre do you want to read more of? What genre are you getting tired of?
    4. What do you want to be known as in the blogosphere?
    5. How would you change the world, if you could?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. 1) What’s the thing you most wished you’d known when you started blogging? 2) when you look back at your first blog post, what do you think of it now? 3) what plans/objectives have you got for your blog for the next 6 months?

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Congratulations! Happy 6-month bloganiversary!
    Question time! Which character would you steal from their fictional world? (He/she wouldn’t be able to go back and he/she would have to live in this world)
    If you could make two characters (from two different fictional worlds) meet each other, who would it be and why?
    What’s your guilty pleasure read?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. CONGRATULATIONS! *Hugs you all the way from Aus*

    1. Least favourite book?
    2. Do you ever regret reading a book?
    3. Currently watching?
    4. Do you multitask when you write your blog posts? (I’m totally not watching NCIS LA as I type this 😝)
    5. Do you like candles?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. OH YAYY! Congrats! Ok, questions:

    1. Which book character would you want as your best friend?
    2. What is a one-week blogging schedule for you?
    3. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
    4. What time of day is your favorite time to read (morning, afternoon, night, before bed, etc etc)?
    5. Coffee or tea?
    6. Favorite blogs?
    7. Favorite book of ALL TIME? // If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

    okk, that’s a lot. you don’t have to answer all of those hahah

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congrats on reaching your six month blogiversary Mikaela, I bet the time must have really flown by since you started blogging right.
    My questions are below for you, I can’t wait to see your answers, and here’s to another six months (at least!) blogging from The Well-Thumbed Reader! 😀 ❤
    + Asides from reaching six months on WordPress what has been your best blogging acheivement?
    + What has been your favourite post so far?
    + Is there anything you discovered through WordPress, a book/genre/other, that you don't think you would have discovered had you not started blogging?
    + What to-be-released book would you give anything to have in your hands right now?
    + If you could recommend one book to the world what would it be and why?
    + If you could travel to any place, real or fictional, where would you choose?
    + What three wishes would you make if you came across a genies lamp?
    + Do you have any aims/ambitions for the future of your blog?
    Again congrats on the six month blogiversary! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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