You Will Never Get Me To Read These Books | Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read Tag 

Hey, it’s Mikaela back at it again with another tag!

I feel like I haven’t done one in a while, and I thought, why not schedule one for September! I discovered this tag months ago, I’m pretty sure, and I’ve always been interested in it since I have so many books I don’t want to read! So, let’s get to it!

1. A Really Hyped Book You’re Not Interested In Reading

It may be the Year of Contemporary for everyone else, but definitely not for me! And I’ll throw in an uninteresting fantasy as well so I don’t look like an awful person who’s tired of everyone talking about the same contemporary books (even though I totally am).

2. A Series You Won’t Start/Won’t Be Finishing

Regarding series I won’t start, I actually have several! For YA, no matter how many times people want me to read The Bone Season, I have zero interest in reading the series, especially one that’s supposed to be seven books long! I have enough trilogies that I still haven’t finished, so there’s zero reason to add an even longer, unfinished series. Also, the Passenger duology! I didn’t like The Darkest Minds trilogy at all, and I’ve heard that the books are just as slow-paced as that trilogy, so I’m skipping out on that. And I’ll throw in Outlander and Game of Thrones because I can’t handle reading 5+ 700+ page books, damn it!

3. A Classic You’re Not Interested In

Um, besides all of them?
I’m not a fan of romance or slow-moving books, and from what I’ve heard, the Bronte sisters and Jane Austen are just that, so I’m going to skip out on those! Sorry not sorry.

4. Any Genres You Never Read?

I have three big ones! Historical fiction, because I’m not really a history fan in the first place and they usually take place in the same eras or parts of history over and over again to the point where it gets boring. Paranormal romance, because nine times out of ten it’s just a Twilight rip-off. Contemporary romance, because it bores me to death, it’s always romance-heavy (and I’m just not a fan of mainly romance), and it’s all extremely predictable; what ELSE will happen in this teenage love story besides falling in love, angst, some family subplot, and a happy or bittersweet ending? Obviously, I’ve read books in all three of these genres and have favorites in all of them, but these just aren’t my type.

5. A Book On Your Shelves You’ll Probably Never Actually Read

I’ve actually talked about this in a post from last month, but if we’re talking physically on my shelf, I’d probably go for Delirium by Lauren Oliver! I got it a long time ago because it sounded interesting, got bored while reading it, and I’ve never attempted to pick it up again nor do I think I ever will.
(The new covers are GORGEOUS, though; I have to admit.)

Do we share any of the same answers? What are some books or genre that you just don’t want to read?



63 thoughts on “You Will Never Get Me To Read These Books | Books I’ll (Probably) Never Read Tag 

  1. Classics, I agree, not books I would ever rush to read. I have tried some of them, but many are quite ‘wooden’ in writing style to me now. I’m also not a fan of the short story anthology, I like to get my teeth into a book of decent length, however anything which tips into 500 pages isn’t that appealing anymore.

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  2. We are the same for When Dimple Met Rishi. I added it to my long ass whislist but it’s highly probable that I will never read the book. And the classics too! I’m not a big classic fan at all, my bad.
    And paranormal romance!. Or some urban fantasy: female protagonist is super good at doing everything, super badass with vampire/werewolf/ghost love interest full of muscle 😂

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  3. I have to agree with you with the GOT and Outlander series! Those books are monsters and I have no particular interest to read them either!
    And about classics… I still tell myself I should read at least some, but I always find something else😅.

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  4. Hi Mikaela!
    I absolutely feel the same way about Jane Austen’s books. When I was in junior high, my friends were obsessed about Pride and Prejudice. I tried reading it but REALLY couldn’t get into it. Then I tried reading it again in high school… nope.
    I also feel the same way about Historical Fiction- glad that I’m not the only one! I like the idea of history and that we learn from our past, etc etc, but whenever I open a book cover and see something about, say World War II, I just…. can’t do it. And I feel terrible writing that lol. Maybe it is because historical fiction books tend to be serious and heavy, and most of the time I’m looking for something light.
    Thanks for sharing 🙂 I want to do this tag one day!

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    • Haha, I haven’t had to read any of her books for high school (I might have to for senior year; I don’t remember which books are on the list), but it’s just never interested me? I know so many people love her books!

      Same! It makes me feel terrible to say a real thing that happened is overdone, but I get so bored reading about the Holocaust and WW2 except in different perspectives. WHICH SOUNDS TERRIBLE! 🙈

      Thanks so much! You should; it’s fun!

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  5. I saw When Dimple Met Rishi and Becky Albertalli and went ‘EXCUSE ME’, but I get it! I wasn’t really a fan of contemporary for the longest time and actually found it quite boring! And then something shifted this year and I’ve read and enjoyed so many of them???

    Also, classics. No thank you. I will probably give any other genre a try but not classics. They just don’t appeal to me.

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    • Haha, I loved Simon Vs! But this one didn’t really interest me as much? I’m pumped for the movie though GAH. I feel like I still don’t enjoy contemporary that much; like out of the ones I’ve read this year, all of them are more magical realism or have a sci-fi twist, and only one is a true blue contemporary, which I think says a lot about me??? 😂

      Same! I only read them because of school, which isn’t a really strong reason. 😝

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  6. I LOVE reading the classics, even though I enjoy some more than others. I like when I read a book that was written long ago, but I can see parallels in modern times.

    Jane Eyre is actually my favorite book…so I just shed a little tear. I read Emma a few months ago because my fave movie, Clueless, is based on it, and it was definitely a slow read. It was my first time reading a Jane Austen novel, so I am going to try to read another Austen novel before I deem myself a non fan.

    I never thought I would be a fan of historical fiction, but I read one a few months ago that I really enjoyed. I’m not the biggest fan of contemporary romance novels with the Fabio-like pirate and the damsel in distress. That are kind of cheesy to me.

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    • I’ve actually never watched Clueless! It probably came out before I was even born; I haven’t seen a lot of old movies. 😝 Slow reads aren’t my thing when paired with really dense writing; that KILLS me on the inside!

      I can’t remember any off the top of my head that I read and enjoyed (maybe The Diviners, but that’s also PNR, which probably doesn’t count)! Even the ones are my TBR are a cross between historical fiction and something more interesting like mystery or time travel, so I guess I can’t really say historical fiction is my “thing.”


  7. I’m not the biggest historical fiction fan, I think I’ve only read one and that was The Book Thief (which is one of my all time favourites, but still doesn’t make me want to read more historical fiction 😅) I sometimes feel pressured into reading classics, because I feel like I wouldn’t be considered a ‘proper bookworm’ which is, of course, absolute rubbish, but yeah I haven’t read as many as I would have liked! Great post, interesting answers ☺️

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  8. Oh man, I loved Upside and Queens of Geek, but I totally get your reasoning for not wanting to read them! I’m with you on The Bone Season! I just have no interest in that series at all and even though tons of bloggers love it, I’m not going to bother wasting my time on it.

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  9. You like what you like and that’s good. However, if you attend college, expect to read Jane Austen. There’s no way around it. Also, Jane Eyre. Yeah. That’s expected, too.

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  10. On one hand it’s a shame some of these are books and series you won’t get around to, but on the other hand if you know you’re not going to enjoy them why bother picking them up when there are better books out there for you. 🙂
    I’m one of those people who loves The Bone Season series, and Passenger as well, but I completely get they’re not for everyone. Also if you didn’t enjoy an authors first series you’re never really tempted to pick up other books by them.
    Also I 100% agree with you on classics. It’s a genre I will never pick up. In fact I think the only classics novel I’ve read and enjoyed was Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (unless you could the Harry Potter series as a classic!) 😀
    Great picks for this tag Mikaela, I really enjoyed reading your answers. 🙂

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    • I HAVE TOO MANY BOOKS ON MY TBR! 😂 I feel like I should have more books shaved off if I were honest with myself, but I’m one of those people who holds out hope for, like, years, and after that, then I usually take it off my TBR!

      Yeah, Alex Bracken has never been for me! I do have an interest in the Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding because of the concept, but the fact that it’s middle grade puts me off a little?? I should read some reviews to see if it’s worth checking out though because the concept gives me life! 😍

      I think I’m one of those people who leans more towards modern classics than classic classics (did that make sense lol). I feel like there really needs to be a change in the curriculum. But out of all the classics I’ve read over the school years, I’ve only liked three or four??? Which is really low considering all the classics I’ve read. 😬

      Thank you so much, Beth! ❤️

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      • Oh I have so many books on my TBR list as well. I think it’s just part and parcel of being a book blogger! 😀
        I haven’t actually heard of the Dreadful Tale of Prosper Redding, may actually have to check it out because I’ve actually loved Alexandra Bracken’s books so far.
        That did make sense, so you’d be more interested in books like Fahrenheit 451 than anything by Jane Austen. I agree there needs to be more variety in high school reading. I’d have been more interested if books like Lord of the Flies and Julius Caesar hadn’t been on my school’s curriculum.
        That’s all right. 🙂 ❤

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  11. I agree with all the contemporaries you’ve listed, and the only fantasy series I’m sort of interested in is Game of Thrones!
    However, I gotta stand up for Pride and Prejudice 😀 I know it seems romance-heavy and boring, but it’s actually quite the satire! Jane Austen is a really snarky author, and the main character makes fun of everyone. The romance is really not bad either, I’m not a huge fan of romance but I got to love Mr Darcy! If you’re still not convinced you should watch an adaptation – I didn’t wanna read Pride and Prejudice either, but when I watched the BBC mini series (the Keira Knightley movie is supposed to be quite shit), I immediately changed my mind! x

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    • I feel like I’ll end up watching the TV shows for Outlander and GOT, since they’re shorter! I have more luck finishing TV series (though my track record isn’t spectacular lol).

      I don’t know! I honestly don’t think I’ll ever read it since classics just aren’t my thing, and if I’m not reading it for school, it’s probably never going to happen, but who knows? 😂


      • I think a good way to go about classics is to put aside the association they have with school! If you read something thinking “this is intellectual essay stuff and I’m gonna hate it”, chances are you will! Just maybe find a classic that isn’t part of the canon, something old but a bit unusual, maybe some old mystery like Agatha Christie! Obviously you don’t have to read classics, but you might be missing out on some books you could love 😉

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  12. I have no interest in Outlander or Game of Thrones either. Game of Thrones because it’s so hyped up and I’m not really a high fantasy fan, and Outlander because I live about two hours away from Scotland so I’m worried that it’ll get so many things wrong about Scotland 😂

    And I am 100% with you on Jane Austen’s books. I tried to read Pride and Prejudice a long time ago and just couldn’t get into it at all. It was so boring.

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    • Yeah, I’m not really into high fantasy much either! Kings and queens and courts bore me when it comes to fantasy! 😝 Haha, I live in North Carolina where it’s rarely written about, so I’ve never had those experiences! 😂

      Yeah, I just feel like I’d be bored by her books. 😝


  13. Ooooh this is so fun! I feel you with classics, I will never read them either. I “read” Jane Eyre in high school (and by “read” I mean “skimmed the Cliffs Notes” because it was SO. BORING) and have zero plans to go there again. I loved Delirium.. until Requiem ended without giving me answers. I’m still low key mad at Lauren Oliver. I have to agree with most of those series, too. I *kind* of want to try Passenger, but my biggest beef with Darkest Minds was that it was kind of long winded so… yeah. And I also, in theory, want to read Game of Thrones, but I’ll probably just watch the show instead. Those are a lot of pages.

    And for some reason, I have not been motivated to read contemporary lately either, Idk why!

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    • Haha, I feel like I’ve been going back and forth between actually reading school books and doing a LOT of skimming because I just don’t care! 😝 I’ve seen people angry at Requiem, and I don’t feel the need to get involved? But I also don’t care about love triangles, so there’s that! Yeah, I thought the series was really slow and boring, and I’ve heard the same thing about Passenger, so I don’t think it’ll work out! 🙈 I’m definitely going to watch the show! Waiting till it ends next year though so I can binge the whole thing (hopefully, I’m not spoiled)!


  14. You have two of my favorite 2017 books on your never-read-hyped list, but I am a contemporary reader and I especially love contemporary romance. I really liked Passenger, but was a little let down with Wayfarer. Oddly enough, I read the BEA ARC of Passenger, which I know changed a lot, but I wasn’t going to re-read. I started Outlander, because I love the show, and the dialect was such a chore to read, I DNFed. It was not a bad story, but I don’t like to work that hard when I am reading. I have like no desire to read ANY classics. I read so many when I was younger, that I feel that I did my part, and most have been re-told, so you know – been there, done that. (am I the worst?) I read Delirium too. The ending was a cop out, but I thought it was a good series.

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    • Yeah, I saw some people weren’t huge fans of Wayfarer! I think what put me off Passenger was so many mixed reviews, and all of them said that it was a slow book, so I was like, “Pass.” 😂 Haha, I’m still in high school, so I must suffer, but I don’t have too many years yet, I guess? 😂 Yeah, someone else mentioned that the ending was terrible, and I feel like no one was satisfied!

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  15. Hmmmm I KIND of wanted to start Passenger (the cover is so pretty yo) but I couldn’t really get past the first couple pages haha..

    Also I totally plan on reading Game of Thrones because EVerYONE SAYS IT’S SO GOOD even though it doesn’t seem like my style… but I live for the hype and the #peerpressure

    Also I recently bought a bunch of popular books and they’re just… sitting on my shelf… oops.

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  16. I only tried to read classics to be like Rory Gilmore and now I’m bummed I wasted so much time trying to read like someone else. I also totally get if you’re not into Contemporary. If you pay full price for books, they are $17+ for 300 to 350 pages MAX. That is a very short reading experience for how much you pay. Lately, I’ve decided to start buying Contemporary YA on Kindle if they go on sale. I will pay $2.99 and hope I get to it on a plane ride or trip or something.

    Though I did like some of those YA contemporaries if only because there was diverse representation. Thanks for sharing this post!

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    • Haha, I haven’t watched Gilmore Girls, but I feel that! I’m wasting so much time when it comes to classics in school. 😝 THAT IS SO TRUE! I buy books mostly through Amazon or on Barnes & Noble online, so all the prices are cheaper (which I much prefer). I’m dirt poor. 😂


  17. When Dimple Met Rishi sounds so predictable and boring, but I keep seeing it all over the place being adored by everyone. A little annoying… lol Clearly I’m a bit bitter when it comes to popular romance books 😝

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    • Yes, same! I feel that way in general about contemporary – I read the summary and feel like I’ve read the entire book. 😝 But I’m one of those people that gets annoying about seeing the same books everywhere. I don’t know why; I just do, especially when I’m just not interested in it. I AM SO BITTER. You think I’d be more into romance in high school, but I was over it after middle school. 😂

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      • I have found that to be me too lately! Like after seeing hyped book after hyped book I’m just…. not interested anymore??? It’s like listening to the hit songs on the radio again and again so you’re forced to change the station to like country or something just for the sake of hearing something new. (Which I’ve actually been forced to do recently and I don’t even like country??!!)

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  18. Ok, I know I’m late in the game on this post, but I love it. Some of my favorite books are classics. For the first time EVER I picked up a classic written by a woman. I always thought it was such a shame that I never read a classic written by a female author, and I was really looking forward to it. So I picked out “Pride and Prejudice.” My eyes glazed over – totally not into it! It was so encumbered by proper manners and customs, I wanted to shake the characters and scream, “JUST GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!” That was just my first attempt, maybe another female author would be better.

    That being said, my favorite classic author is Alexandre Dumas – his books are filled with action, love, revenge…they’re exciting!

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