[LET’S CHAT] What Makes Me Follow Your Book Blog

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So, as I’m sure you guys know, the book blogging community is pretty huge.

There are probably, like, thousands of book blogs out there that we haven’t even heard of, not to mention all the people who probably start their own book blogs daily.

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BUT, we have to pick and choose which ones we’re going to follow and which ones we’re going to completely ignore.

We all have personal things or preferences that make us want to follow a blog, and I know I definitely stick with mine. I know there are people who follow a lot of book blogs, but, personally, I only follow around 30-40, I’d say? Personally, I’m really picky with the blogs I follow, and I’m not afraid to go ahead and unfollow blogs I’m not into anymore, but that’s a discussion for another day (by another day, I mean a couple months from now). So, I thought I’d talk about some of the things that push me to click that “Follow” button, and even provide some examples of those things via some of my favorite book bloggers!

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Good Design

I’m a sucker for beautiful looking blogs, okay? I know, I know; it’s totally shallow, and, in a way, it’s sort of wrong to judge a blog by the way it looks over its content, but I just can’t help myself! I’m a huge fan of aesthetics, and if I see a gorgeous blog button, or a nice header, or a great combination of colors, or gorgeous graphics and pictures, I can’t help but stay.

Book blogs that are always gorgeous always manage to push me to make my blog look better. I know some of you guys have stuck around since the very beginning of my blog, and, wow, was it pretty ugly. But being so jealous of all these other gorgeous bloggers is what pushed me to finally make good graphics, pick a good WordPress theme, and finally get everything together so my blog doesn’t look like a hot mess.

The Best of the Best:

Reg @ She Latitude

Molly @ Molly’s Book Nook

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Fascinating Content

I’m more likely to follow a blog with original content than anything. I do follow some review-only blogs, but that’s usually just for thrillers/crime, and not really for YA. I just much prefer bloggers who continually create discussions that initiate conversation, give out great recommendations, and always come up with really cool ideas. So, the majority of the time, if you’re a YA blog, and all you do is review books, do cover reveals, book blitzes, and blog tours, and that’s it, I’m more likely to ignore your blog because that gets old and boring after a while, especially when I’m not interested in the books they’re attempting to promote.

I also like to follow blogs with content that inspires me. So, the ones who can come up with good discussion posts or come up with original tags and posts are more likely to get a follow from me. I’m always brainstorming for good ideas, so the types of blogs that push me to do that are always great ones.

The Best of the Best:

Puput @ Sparkling Letters

Cait @ Paper Fury

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Similar Interests

Most of the time, I really enjoy blogs that share my favorite genres! This is why I follow so many thriller blogs, because it’s where I get my main source of recommendations in those genres, and following YA blogs is a pretty obvious given, because that’s the age range I usually read from.

I also really like blogs that push me out of my “comfort zone,” so to speak. So blogs that talk about literary fiction or non-fiction, which are genres that I enjoy reading, but I don’t feel like I read often enough are ones that I’ll definitely follow if they constantly add books to my TBR! It might take forever for me to get to them, but I will (eventually).

The Best of the Best:

Chelsea @ The Suspense Is Thrilling Me

Sam @ Clues and Reviews

Janel @ Keeper of Pages

Marija @ Inside My Library Mind

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Consistent Posting

I have to say, I’ve seen this more when I’m going through bookstagram and see someone has a blog on WordPress than anything. I’ll check it out, and it looks pretty and has nice content, but then I’ll see that they post all over the place. Their most recent post will be dated yesterday, but the post before that will be dated December 8, 2016, and that immediately makes me run off.

I’m just not a fan of book blogs that post all over the place. You don’t have to post every single week, but at least have around 5-7 posts a month, because I feel like it’s useless to be following a blog that’ll only post every two or so months with mediocre content. I know some people don’t have all the time in the world, but I personally just don’t feel like wasting my time following a blog like that.

The Best of the Best: 

Uh…everyone I follow?

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And that’s pretty much what I personally look for in a book blog!

(Also, I highly recommend all the blogs I mentioned in this post. They’re A++, and, as you can see, I obviously follow them for a reason.)

Let's Chat

What makes you follow a book blog? Who are some of your favorite bloggers? Why are you following my blog (just kidding, just kidding; it’s a joke question)?

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78 thoughts on “[LET’S CHAT] What Makes Me Follow Your Book Blog

  1. I tend to follow blogs that are centred around the same area of books. I appreciate the fact that you take the time and effort to really know the bloggers around you. I am new to WordPress and I have already been made to feel very welcome. I look forward to more of these thought provoking posts.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, definitely; I tend to not follow blogs outside of book blogs, because books are my main interest! And, aw, thank you so much! Welcome to the book blogging world; it’s a very fun and crazy ride! 😄 And thank you so much; you’re so kind! ❤

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  2. I followed your blog because I REALLY liked your content (and blog name). I also find myself enjoying your posts a lot, whether that be your writing voice or your ideas. I’m quite bad at consistent posting but I’m getting better with design and fascinating contest (it’s a work in progress). I love your new design and how you lay out your posts and everything.

    Another MUST for me is that the person has to reply to at least SOME previous comments otherwise I’m kinda reluctant to follow. I understand if they’re on hiatus or haven’t got time to reply to a few recent comments, but if every single one is left on nearly every post, I’m very put off.I don’t follow blogs so people comment back to me, but it feels as though the author doesn’t care? Haha, anyways this is turning into a too long of a comment! Wonderful post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, this is such a sweet comment; thank you! 😭❤ And in glad you like my name; I had an old one that was terrible, but I thankfully changed it before I gained traction on the blog. 😅 I’m so glad you like my content; it means so much to me.

      And, yes, I’m more likely to follow a blogger that replies to their comments as well! I really like talking and starting discussion, so when someone just ignores all their comments, it just sends off a bad vibe??? And no problem, I love long comments! Thank you so much! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This was a great post! I really enjoyed reading it and I found a few new blogs to follow! I am similar in all your points. I struggle with the consistency part but I am really trying to post at the very least one blog a week. It gets harder during the school year so I have to find my groove with that. Any suggestions for that?

    Thanks again for the post! Really enjoyed it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much! Oh, yes, I blog during the school year as well (I’m in high school), and I’m glad I have the weekends since that’s how I actually DO all the blogging things (and I’m so far ahead). 😂 As I said, I use the weekends to get ahead regarding my posts, but I actually have a blog post coming out about the topic this week, so you can see more of my advice! 😄 No problem!

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  4. I agree with all of these! I used to follow everyone when I first started but I’m much more picky now – following so many blogs can get a bit overwhelming

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  5. AW I’m glad I not only make the cut but I made it into this post! I’m sometimes picky too. I like the design, because there are certain colors, fonts, font sizes, that are just too hard for me to read. Even if the content is great, I can’t read it! But I also like bloggers who comment and engage in the community. I’ve unfollowed blogs that literally NEVER replied to comments. I don’t mean they got busy and couldn’t, they just NEVER did. I realized I had been commenting on their blog for months and never got a single reply back, and when I looked at their comments, neither did anyone else. I was so confused >..< Oops. Great post! And THANK YOU FOR INCLUDING ME ❤

    Liked by 2 people

      • Ooh, yes, I agree! I have another post about this talking about commenting, but replying to comments is definitely a must for me, because at least I know I’m not talking to myself. XD


    • No problem, Molly; I love your blog! ❤ And, yes, I love those bloggers as well! I’m more likely to comment and come back if they reply to comments regularly! I don’t know how you would never reply to comments; it’s one of my favorite things about getting them in the first place (and it just seems so weird to me). NO PROBLEM! ❤


  6. I think design is a big one for me too! I’m usually a sucker for a light background color with accent colors used for links or to highlight text more. But even more than the colors I look for blogs with just two columns – I always read new posts on the blog itself and any other design feels too busy and distracting for me.

    Posting is a big one for me too! Obviously, people have other things going on in their lives and may not have the time to post multiple times a week, but if it’s at least twice and consistent, I’m definitely more likely to follow them!

    Great chat! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Same, I agree with you! I’m usually drawn to a blog with white as one of its colors just because you can match it with everything! 😂 That’s why I made mine white, at least!

      And yeah, same! Unless they’ve announced they’re on a hiatus, I’m usually more likely to ignore a blog with sporadic updates.

      Thank you! ❤

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  7. I agree completely with everything you said! I think it’s so important to share the love in the blogging community! And as far as design – I’m also very picky. The site needs to be easy to figure out what you’re looking at and easy to navigate. The out of your comfort zone part is also important! We sometimes get so stuck with the books we know we like that we lose out on books we wouldn’t normally gravitate to! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I definitely prefer a site that’s easy to navigate! I think it’s gotten easier now that I’m more used to WordPress and such, but I don’t like being confused! And yeah, I got out of my reading comfort zone last year, and I loved it! I discovered a whole new genre of books to read, so it’s always nice to find more blogs to follow! Thank you! ❤

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  8. I think this is a really great and helpful post 🙂 consistency is definitely important and I totally agree about blogs looking nice. In todays day, appearance and ascetic are pretty much as important as the content itself I think!

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  9. I follow a lot of blogs, but I do notice myself visiting the same ones more frequently than others, and I agree with a lot of what you said. I think design matters, but it’s not a huge deal for me. I think we’ve all realized it’s not 2003, and putting neon text on a black background while playing Kelly Clarkson songs isn’t great web design. As long as I can read your posts (and the vast majority of blogs I encounter have decent design in this regard), it’s probably fine.

    Similar taste and interesting content are the biggest ones for me. Discussion posts, thoughtful reviews, and things I don’t see on fifty other blogs. That’s what I want to read. And LONG content. I can’t stand when I open a discussion post to discover it’s 4 sentences long, and the responses in the comments are more interesting and longer than the actual post.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yep, that definitely makes sense to me! I’d probably put Design last on my list because nowadays, I usually just look through someone’s Reader and follow them based on content, but I do love me a good design. XD

      Yes, I love Discussions (which is probably why I do them so much). And, yeah, I like longer posts as well! All of my posts always end up 1000-2000 words, even if I don’t mean them to be. XD


  10. When I first started blogging I used to follow back everyone who followed me, which as you can likely guess very quickly did not work for me, and a lot of the time it was for one of the reasons you mentioned here. The main one being similar interests, I like being able to talk to people on WordPress, I’ve said it plenty of times but that’s the whole reason I started this blog, and if we don’t have similar interests I can find it hard to strike up a conversation.
    I love seeing pretty blog designs but it’s not normally something that influences whether I follow people. The main ones for me are whether someone posts regularly, because yeah no point following someone who hasn’t posted anything for six or so months, and similar interests. We don’t have to like all the same books but even just posting about books is enough for me.
    Great post Mikaela! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah, I feel you! When I was smaller, I got a lot of spam followers or followers that didn’t even blog about books (???), so there was no point in following them back. I still get them, but I think most of my newer followers are legit book blogs now! XD

      Yep, similar interests works for me! Good design is something that I don’t check too much, BUT it has always been the thing that motivated me to fix up my blog, so there’s that! XD And, yeah, I need a regular schedule, unless you say you’re on hiatus. Thank you so much, Beth! ❤

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      • Yeah that seems to be who most of my followers now are. I never got why some of those people were following me in the first place given I was posting about books and likely not what they were interested in. Who knows?
        Well if it motivated you to do up your own blog a little that’s something good, I do love your design Mikaela. I think for me the most important things I look for are similar interests and regular posts everything else is just and added bonus! 😀
        That’s all right. ❤

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  11. What a wonderful post! I adore your blog and it’s so obvious that you put so much work into it and it really shows! Your content is so unique (like this post) and I agree with absolutely everything you said here! And thanks for mentioning my blog! 🙌💚

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  12. I completely agree with all of these! Good design is more important than I think we all want to admit, haha. But if you have a bad design, it definitely takes away from what your blog because it becomes distracting, hard to navigate, etc. Also totally agree that Reg has a gorgeous blog design!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, yeah, definitely! I feel like I don’t really see design too much because nine times out of ten, I usually check out someone’s Reader, and if I like most of their posts, I’ll follow them, but I’ll occasionally check what it ACTUALLY looks like! And, yes, Reg has such a gorgeous design! ❤

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  13. Ooh, great post! I think that I have a good design??? Maybe??? I’m working on it. XD But yes, I am one for aesthetics, and if your blog is ugly or confusing, I will probably just be staring at the computer screen wondering if I should follow. XD And haha, yes! Puput and Cait have such great content — Cait is like my idol book blogger. XD

    I used to follow pretty much everyone who followed me — but that was way too much! And now I’ve learned that it’s completely okay to unfollow blogs, which I do. And OMG YOUR BOOKY PICS MAKE ME SO JEALOUS BECAUSE YOU HAVE SOOOOOO MAAAAANY BOOOOOOOOOKS *cries forever*

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! And, yes, your blog is so pretty; I remember I’ve seen it before! And, yes, I love Cait; she has such a genuine, sweet personality!

      I’ve seen so many people say they did that in the early days and that’s so crazy to me! Maybe it’s b/c I had a couple of spam followers that weren’t even book blogs, so I didn’t see the point. XD

      AND NO DON’T BE. I barely buy books. I’m pretty sure I have more paperbacks than hardcovers and most of my series are mis-matched. I probably only have about 100-175 books??? People on bookstagram have WAY more than me. XD

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  14. I have a lot of the same criteria as you when it comes to following other blogs. I also look at what genres of books get reviewed and if they are similar to what I read, I’m more likely to follow. I’ve also come across blogs that have so many ads and affiliate links on the sidebars and those turn me away so quickly. I’m also not the biggest fan of blogs that just post blitzes, reviews, blog tours or cover reveals. The more original content, the more likely I am to follow! Also, I love how clean and elegant your blog is!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, definitely! It’s why my Feed has so many thriller blogs in it – I got addicted to the genre last year, and I love getting recs for it. ❤ Oh, yes, I’ve occasionally come across blogs with ads that were just so distracting, mainly because they weren’t about books, so I was like, “What?” And, yeah, blog tours are just not my thing. They get boring when there’s too many in my feed. And thank you so much! ❤


  15. Lovely post, Mikaela! I agree with a lot of these things; although design isn’t necessarily the only thing I look for, a beautiful blog will definitely make me press that follow button! Blogs that also post unique and fun content I will definitely follow as well, because as much as reviews are great, I love discussions and seeing different thoughts from a blogger. Consistent posting is definitely important! I struggle with that a bit more for my own blog, but I’m definitely trying to come up with a more consistent schedule ahah. Great discussion! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you! ❤ Yes, I’m such a sucker for a nice design; I can’t help myself! And yes, I love unique content and great discussions! I guess consistent scheduling is easy for me because I love scheduling things and knowing when things are going up, so it’s fun for me, in a way. 😂 Thank you so much, Analee! ❤

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  16. I agree, a lot of these are important. One of the biggest for me is when you just genuinely LIKE the blogger, you know? I can’t even pinpoint how I “know” this, it’s just a feeling of “yes, I like this person and I want to come back here”. That is really the most important for me. I have a VERY hard time unfollowing people, so I try to make sure I am really sure before I follow. Of course, 3+ years ago, I followed ALL the people and now I have some really random blogs in my feed- I HAVE tried to cull some of the ones that I have NO interest in and don’t ever read- sometimes people just have different interests! Great topic!! 🙂

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    • Yes, definitely; I know that for the people I follow, I also love the blogger behind them because they’re really nice or they leave great comments, etc. Or any blogger who has an outstanding voice that keeps me coming back as well! Yeah, that’s why I’d never follow so many people! I’d just freak out about having too many people in my feed! Thank you! ❤


  17. I really enjoyed reading this post. I tend to follow blogs that have the same interests as I do, and it definitely is a feeling just as well, sometimes I feel like I’ll want to chat some more with this particular person as well 🙂

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  18. OMGGGG THIS MADE MY DAY. *gives you all the cake* And Im pretty much the same with the reasons I follow a blog! Although I admit I’m actually really shamefully lax about hitting the “follow” button because I tend to do all my blog hopping through commenting-back on my blog. And then I forget I don’t follow a person when I should!! 🙈🙊 I just assume I follow a ton of people but then I realise I don’t, whoooops.

    And one of my other top needs for following a blog is interaction! I don’t really have TIME to follow every blog of ever or read/support them…so the ones I do support, I want to know that they want to talk to me! Or come visit my blog. Or just, like answer comments or whatnot? Otherwise I feel like it’s a bit like talking to a brick wall. 😜

    And I know design isn’t everything but I DO love a pretty blog so so much.😂

    Loved the post!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aw, no problem; I absolutely love your blog! ❤ And I feel you; I assume I’m following a lot of people, but then I hear other people say they Follow over 100+ blogs and I realize I actually follow a tiny amount, compared to them. 😂

      And, yep, I definitely feel that! I do love the bloggers that always reply to my comments and like to start discussion, because it definitely wants to make me come back to their blog!

      And yes, I’m always here for aesthetics! I can’t help myself! 😂


  19. I’m new at writing book related book posts and book reviews, but truly enjoy it and now I’m just looking for tips and inspiration to create a nice place for booklovers. It is a lifestyle blog to begin with, so I’m trying to figure out my categories so I can balance the blog posts.

    I love blogs like Paper Fury and Pop Goes The Reader and a couple other great book bloggers I follow. I can’t agree more that it’s important that the blog design are looking good and are eye catching.

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    • Oh, that’s awesome! It’s always nice to have blogs out there that have a little bit of everything for everyone; that always makes it more interesting and wildly available to everyone!

      Yes, I love Paper Fury! ❤ And yep, I’m a huge fan of a nice design and such! I love a good aesthetic! 😍


  20. I’d have to pretty much agree with almost everything on this list. Design is really important for me. It’s hard to stay on a site when it’s painful to look at it. I also like to follow blogs that are updated at least once a month (as long as it’s quality content when it does go up). Some of favorite bloggers are Paper Fury and Pages Unbound. Great content and nice people!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I love a nice design! It always manages to make me want to re-design everything (which is probably why I change things so often on my own blog). XD I’m a huge fan of quality content as well! Even though I love blogs who update often, sometimes those blogs might not have much I’m interested in (like just reviews or memes! And, yes, I agree with both of those! 😀


  21. Great post, I see your point, I really need to focus more on my blog. It’s not my #1 book platform although it should be. Hopefully, this summer I’ll redesign it and use more of my bookstagram pictures and aesthetic things, thanks for the advice! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I totally get you; there’s so many platforms to talk about books on, that you can focus on just one or many! And, yes, a good redesign always gets me to improve! And yeah for bookish pictures and aesthetics; I love both! ❤

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  22. Guess who else is a sucker for great aesthetics? *raises hand* I love your discussion posts so DAMN much and ahh yes. DISCUSSION POSTS. I LOVE THEM. THEY REALLY SPARK UP THE CONVERSATION AND EVERYBODY IS HAPPILY CHATTING AWAY IN NO TIME! *excuse my all caps, it’s not an obsession, I swear. Ha. Someone’s lying😂* I adore your blog so much, gosh. You’re posts are so interesting, how do you even manage to be so cool? *did I mention that I love your blog? uh yes. I ADORE YOUR BLOG*❤🙈

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    • Ugh, I just love a good aesthetic! I can’t help myself. 😂 Even some of my fave movies and shows have gorgeous shots that make me love. I’m shallow!

      Aw, thank you so much! ❤ I absolutely LOVE a good discussion post! It’s probably why I enjoy writing and posting them so much!

      AND AW THANK YOU FOR THE KIND WORDS! 😘 Trust me; I am 100% not cool in real life whatsoever; I’m so quite and shy! But thank you so much; I’m glad you love my blog! 😄

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  23. I totally love this post! I agree, the aesthetic of a blog is really important to me. And although that may seem bad, I think we have a right to that. Blogs are literally just asking other people to come and look at them, so if they’re pretty, it makes sense that they’ll be more popular. And boy, did my blog used to be hideous. Yeesh! It’s funny because today I was actually just comparing my edits now to my edits from two years ago to when I didn’t understand making your own designs at all and stole other people’s… yeesh!
    In any case! This is super insightful and a fabulous post! 😉

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  24. I totally agree about the looks thing! Just the other day I saw a link to a blog and i fell in love with the name of the blog! I clicked. And was completely disappointed in what I saw. And completely turned off to the whole thing. Couldn’t even stay to read some of the content. So I definitely didn’t follow that one…

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